Life must be lived as play.

Peter Dargatz

     While my claim to fame might be as a retired racing sausage for the Milwaukee Brewers, I am prouder for being a father of three nature-loving children, a national board certified teacher, and the coordinator of a well-respected, public school nature kindergarten program at Woodside Elementary in Sussex, Wisconsin. Transitioning my classroom from the inside to outside has allowed me to create and develop my “4P’s” philosophy, focusing on play-based, place-based, project-based, and personalized learning. This philosophy’s foundations are cemented in play, citizen science, service learning, and community collaborations.

Along with the nature kindergarten program, I am coordinator for an all-school collaboration with the Retzer Nature Center and a district-wide family nature club. I am also the volunteer coordinator for the Ice Age Trail Alliance’s Tyke Hike program, aimed at getting families of young children out in nature using Wisconsin’s Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Additionally, I am a founding member of the Wisconsin Nature-Based Early Childhood Association (WINBECA) a contributing author to Natural Start Alliance’s Nature-Based Preschool Professional Practice Guidebook, and a regular columnist for Play & Playground magazine. My first book, Teaching Off Trail, will be released by Redleaf Press in October, 2021.


Nature Kindergarten

Whether it’s racing around in a sausage costume, driving a Zoomobile, or exploring with curious and playful kindergarteners, every day brings opportunities to try something new. Take hold of each opportunity and see where the adventure leads.

The organizations below have allowed me to do just that. They have provided ample opportunities and inspired countless adventures.


Milwaukee County Zoo

Getting paid to impart animal knowledge on zoo visitors. Solid summer gig.

Ice Age Trail Alliance

Creating and maintaining an 1,100+ mile trail takes incredible dedication and collaboration. I’ve been blessed to volunteer as a Tyke Hike leader.

Famous Racing Sausage

Yes, its legit. Yes, I’ve won (see picture). And yes, I have a favorite.

Woodside Elementary

What started as a daily hike on a trail created has grown to a schoolwide collaboration and a district-wide family nature club.

Special Olympics Wisconsin

Acceptance at the highest level. Coaching these amazing athletes is a privilege.

Retzer Nature Center

A core partner in our nature kindergarten, focusing on relationships between people and our environment.

Waukesha County Land Conservancy

Having one of this organization’s preserves in my neighborhood allows for routine nature play and citizen science.

Wisconsin Nature-Based Early Childhood Association

Proud to be a founding member of this group, whose mission is to provide more outdoor opportunities for our youngest learners

Waukesha County Parks

No hyperbole when I say that it’s like having a collection of diverse state parks within the same county.

Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education

Wisconsin is teeming with fantastic environmental education leaders. Humbled to be the 2020 WAEE Formal Educator of the Year and current Board Member

Natural Start Alliance

An early childhood offshoot of the NAAEE, the only thing better than this group’s educational resources is it’s people.

Redleaf Press

So excited that Redleaf Press took a chance on me and will help share my story to the world. TEACHING OFF TRAIL, published in October 2021.