Day 119 - Mushy Marking
We had already put up private property signs. We had somewhat designated our property by how we had started restoring portions of the land. Our previous owner had put up a plethora of white poles that appeared to mark the boundaries. Most of the land around us was not developed yet. Much of it never really would be, Still, with our latest interactions with our neighbors, we decided to be proactive about identifying and truly understanding where our property really started and ended. We didn't want to spend money on an official survey, but our research did show a survey was done a number of years back. When we investigated it, we were told that when this survey was completed, metal markers were placed at every corner of the property.
With that information, we reached out to a friend who had a metal detector.
He came over with his equipment on a sunny Sunday. We wore our high boots as the land was mushy due to a recent rainstorm. While we could search out every corner, we were most interested in the corner connecting our land to the neighbors we just met. Knowing a general idea of where this particular corner marker would be, we used our GPS app and metal detecting equipment and headed out.
When we arrived in the area, we noticed this corner was very, very close to an agricultural ditch. Much of this area was overgrown with shrubs. Based on these observations, finding the marker would be harder than we had hoped. With the ground being so marshy, we figured there was a good chance this marker was buried in mud and muck.
However, after triangulating our apps, we came to an area that showed promise. The metal detector made some noise, indicating it had found something right in the area where our GPS indicated the marker should be. However, it appeared the marker was buried.
Rather than get down and dirty, we decided to use our professional judgment and a metal pole with a white plastic cover to mark the spot.
It felt good to get this area marked. Now, back to something much more fun. Back to the trailbuilding.