Day 166 - Let’s Play!
Farm life is about tons and tons of fun. But that doesn't mean the work can't be fun. I’ve actually grown to really love doing work outside. While my skills aren't quite where they probably need to be, I am willing to learn and enjoy trying new things.nature play area.
Play is the work of children. Luckily, I am essentially an overgrown child, so play is important to me as well.
With a sizable chunk of land, we know we can utilize it in different ways. Obviously, we have a nice chicken yard for our birds. We have added a vegetable garden. The butterfly garden is taking shape. Soon, we will be preparing land for an upland prairie. The areas being restored have potential for all sorts of different things.
But the area I might be most excited for is the nature play area. Not only do I feel that it can be a central part of our backyard space, it can be a place of emphasis for any future nature camps and play days we host at Craneview on Plainview.
I’ve got lots of ideas. I’ve already worked with my tree guy to get materials and create structures at my school. Now, I hope to make a bigger and better space right in my own backyard.
First, I need a plan. Then, I need to execute the plan. I need to acquire materials, create the space, and then do the most important part of it all: play.
I hope to include a giant sandbox, a few climbing structures, a tree balance beam, a few tree tables, and anything and everything else I and my play partners can come up with in our playful minds. I think I will outline the space with different stumps and carpet it with wood chips.
The land is ready. Wood pieces and wood chips have arrived. Now it is just about timing. I need to dedicate time and energy into this passion project and get help from my play partners to make this a reality. I know there will be plenty of work filled with blood, sweat and tears, but it’ll all be well worth it.
Let's play!