Day 168

We used the best of the best available bricks to build a brand new firepit. We still had plenty left over but most of them were broken. So, we had a large pile of unsightly brick in the middle of our backyard. At this point, we also had some other leftover gems from remodeling still in need of a home. Usually, we call our dumpster guy, but we had intentions of using some of these leftovers. Obviously, the bricks would become a firepit. Old windows were considered possible chicken windows on the barn. The old patio and screen doors could be turned into something with a little work and imagination. 

The intentions were good. The timing wasn’t. Once we completed the main portion of the renovation, the idea of jumping into new projects was daunting, especially if those projects were not “ready to go.” So, in essence, we had a pile of junk scattered throughout the yard with intentions of using them sometime in the future.

We just didn't want to see the junk while we waited for that moment of inspiration to come.

We had seen the yard turn into a junkyard with the previous owner and we weren't about to let that happen again. 

My wife asked if I would take all the potential treasures and place them where they were not clearly visible from the house. I obliged.

Back behind the barn, we used a portion of the old fence that was still standing and created a compost corner. Over the past few months, it had been collecting serious amounts of chicken waste AKA garden gold. While we did see value in the compost as it would feed our growing vegetable garden, we also figured this might be the best location for our pile of unwanted items.

After a few wheelbarrows full of broken bricks and mashed up mortar served as a base layer of trash, I added the windows and patio doors along with many sections of the old wooden paneling that once decorated our living room.

I’m hoping the pile is cleaned up before it grows anymore. It might be out of sight, but it's certainly not out of mind.


Day 169 - Garden Gold


Day 167