It’s the Little Things

Bigger isn’t always better. This couldn’t be more true than in the three foundational elements of this website: play, picture books and nature. Let’s quickly examine each.

Play comes in many forms. Part of the joy of play is that it can be found anywhere with anything. The miniscule moments found in impromptu play can make lasting impacts. A tiny twist to the rules can change everything. A dainty decision can alter and direction a game takes.

In picture books, one single word can change everything. With limited space and word limits, the vocabulary chosen and images shared make a world of difference. In the editing and revision process, huge and often story-altering decisions are made over a single word. It is painstaking process, but oh so important.

Nature offers grandeur and overwhelming beauty. Think of an expansive mountain scene. Think of a towering oak. Think of a vast ocean. Now, change your perspective and zoom in on the little things. The drop of water on a leaf. An ant carrying a tiny twig. The beauty and diversity in a handful of sand.

Sometimes, taking time to appreciate the little things can make a big difference.


Mouse Houses


Four Factors of Responsible Nature Play