Lap 3 . . . Trail Camera Down
The third lap was still quite a wet one. My son and I took a trip to the far north end of our property Besides finding three golf balls, we found one rather interesting development.
Our trail camera. On the ground.
This winter, though mild overall, has had a few heavy snows and plenty of wind. I’m not sure which factor played a bigger role, but of all the trees filling this section of our forest, one tree right on the main trail succumbed and fell to the ground. Of course, this was also the tree we had attached our trail camera. Aren’t we lucky?
Fortunately, the tree caught itself mere inches before the trail camera met its demise. I was able to check our camera to find we had plenty of visitors including deer, turkeys, raccoons, squirrels, and a photogenic coyote.
Though a thousand laps is still quite far away, the pace will certainly pick up right along with the temperatures. If our groundhog is accurate, that will be rather soon.