New Day, New Playground
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Or should it be a playground a day keeps the sadness away? Either way, for maximum physical , social, and emotional development, every day should include some amount of play.
Whether that play be in your backyard, the local park or green space, or in your own head, play is a great way to improve your life and the life of others.
My own kids love playing. Whether it is creating scenarios with their dolls and action figures, leading hikes in our neighborhood nature preserve, or enjoying family time with a board game, a little play every day is always on the menu.
But one of their favorite activities is checking out playgrounds. When we are out of town, we hit up playgrounds. When we are having a long day, we check out a playground, when we are driving around and happen to see a set of swings and a slide, you guessed it, we are visiting a playground.
So get out there, find a playground, and let play be a highlight of your day. Every day.