Puddles of Possibility


Often synonymous with disappointment. Or sadness.

But a change in perspective brings new potential. The potential of possibility!

After a good rainstorm, head outside. Preferably with a child. Walk by a puddle and observe. If you have rain gear, awesome. If not, no worries.

Adults tend to see laundry or extra work. Kids see something different. They see fun. They see play.

When we get caught up in the monorotous drudgery of rituals and routines, we miss these puddles of possibility. We look past the “what if’s “ inherent in play and exploration because of the “what if’s” of worry.

You know what they say about water. It will dry.

But we will never know if we eliminate and eradicate any puddles of possibility in our lives.

Cloudy days don’t have to cloud our judgment about what is best for our health: the joy of play and the excitement of exploration.

Enjoy those puddles. You never quite know what possibility they might bring. . . if you let them.


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