The Farm - Week 9
Like children waiting for Santa to appear, we had visions of joy and anticipation when we first aspired to acquire this property. When our offer was accepted and we knew this farm would be ours, these future dreams slowly and surely enveloped our thoughts as we began planning for this life change. When we officially moved in and saw the challenges and possibilities ahead of us, we couldn’t wait to get started and dig in (literally and figuratively).
Well, after planning and plotting, thinking and thinking some more, our official plan has been put into action. We were lucky enough to find some local farmers who had the time and equipment to work on mowing, baling, and removing the dreaded reed canary grass that dominates our landscape. While applications of herbicide, more mowing, and potential prescribed burns may still be ahead of us, this is a much needed first step to see if we can jumpstart the regeneration of the dormant native grasses and plants. This also allows us to have better and easier access to the wooded areas of our land to see what we can do to get started in restoring those areas as well.
Restored prairie. A wetland rebirth. Improved forests. Trails. Nature play area. Family fun throughout all the seasons.
Whatever those decisions will be, our farm, Craneview on Plainview, has a bright and nature-filled future ahead of it. We are looking forward to creating opportunities for you to be a part of it.