Day 85 - Project Overload

The design for the kitchen was ready. The restoration of our big backyard had begun. We were moved in (mostly) and getting used to living in our new home. So much had been accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. We earned a break. Time to sit back and relax, right?

Not even close. With our careers as kindergarten teacher and third shift nurse and the joys of three young children, time has always been a precious commodity in our household. Dedicating as much free time as possible to home improvement projects on top of work responsibilities and kid schedules, there was no rest for the weary. We seem to live a “when it rains, it pours” lifestyle. Working on one project only led to needing or wanting to start a new one. Since our next major round of interior work was scheduled but not yet started, we decided to move the brunt of our work outdoors.

We had multiple projects to start and plenty of others to think about for the future. Each project had its own pitfalls and successes. Each project taught us new lessons and hopefully improved our patience and flexibility. Each project cost us plenty of time and money. But each project also improved our home in the short term and long term.

There were dirt piles to move.

There were trees to plant.

There were coops and an expansive chicken play yard to create.

There was a backyard to level off and a backyard to design..

There was a trail to design and build.

There was equipment to purchase.

There was a small forest of dead trees to take down.

There were tractors to investigate.

There was grading to complete and gravel to be added.

There were solar panels to research, compare, order, and install..

Like a snowball rolling down a hill, each project fed off each other, gaining momentum. At times they intersected. And all was essentially done in the summer that many people feel educators get “off.”

Each project took us on twists and turns we never expected. Even though we couldn't sit back and relax, I hope you can while you ride this rollercoaster with us


Day 86 - Just the Beginning


Day 84