It’s in the Cards

I have a large tub of my childhood sports cards in the classroom. When kids ask if they can take one or two (or twelve), I usually oblige. I might just run out of cards by the time I retire. However, as I watch them sort through the cards, get excited when they find one they enjoy, and laugh at the silly mustaches from players of the 80’s and early 90’s, I am brought back to the joy cards gave me. Maybe the joy was finding my favorite player. Maybe the joy came from finding a unique card. Mostly, maybe the joy was sharing (and trading) my finds with my cousins.

Special cards were placed in tiny plastic card protectors and kept away from the other. In cleaning my classroom, I can across this golden card. It was acquired at the height of my collecting. I have collected many things over the years. Most of these collections are long gone. However, I think I’ll be keeping this card close to me from now on. While its monetary value may be minimal, the treasures it brings to my memory are worth more then gold.


Choose Love


Brothers from Another Mother