Tired of Tires

My wife and I joke that we have the worst luck with tires. Random flats seem to happen to us on a more than regular basis. While this usually is an issue with our cars, the curse has transferred to our farm equipment. We noticed our brush cutter had a flat tire. Sounded like a simple fix.

It wasn’t.

After multiple attempts to remove the tire and rim, I was able to take it to a local business to get serviced. Initial inspection showed that it couldn’t be very easily mended, Instead , it needed a total replacement. Not terribly difficult, but still pretty easy.

Not quite.

Unbeknownst to me, this machine was fitted with tires sized differently than any standard tire. In fact, it was European tire. Not sure how it made its way over here, but finding a tire wasn’t as simple as buying one from a local dealer. Luckily, the Internet came to my rescue. While I could’ve ordered from overseas and paid an arm and a leg for shipping, I randomly found a used tire of this unusual size a few states away.

After ordering it and receiving it, I returned it to the business anxiously awaiting it to be fixed and ready for installation Problem solved.

Sort of.

The tire was good to go. Unfortunately, after installing it, I (and an engine expert much more knowledgeable than I) determined the engine of the machine was not. In fact, the engine was dealing with an issue that had no repair. All this tire work for nothing.

I’m tired of tires.


Water Woes

